Showing posts with label society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label society. Show all posts

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Your dream life!

Are you living the life you dreamed of? Do you feel fulfilled with your life and the way you live? Are you grateful for the life you have?

If you do, then: Congratulations to you! It's fantastic that you're living the life you dreamt of. You've already achieved more than many people will ever do throughout their entire lifetime. Most people will only ever dream of being paid to do what they love.

It’s wonderful to see someone in such a privileged position showing gratitude for it and it is a privilege.

 Sadly, and especially nowadays in the midst of a world crisis, bills and responsibilities are preventing a lot of people from taking the plunge and just following their passion in life. Needs must - as they say. So, necessities have to precede pleasure. 

Many people also let insecurities and other peoples' negative opinions stand between their dream and what “has to be done” in accordance with a flawed system, in an economically driven society, that makes “having money” essential.

Yet, money should never be a motivating factor. If you love something and have a passion for it, getting paid to do it is just a bonus. It’s the icing on the cake. Realistically speaking, if you don’t have a passion for something, no matter how much money you get paid for it, you will never do it well because your heart will never be in it.

I’ve been writing online for over a decade and I hosted numerous radio shows online and in real time. I’ve volunteered around the world and never earned a penny from any of it. Why? because what I felt I had to say to others far outweighs the economic reward I could have ever gained from it. Letters of gratitude from people I’ve never met can’t be financially valued and nobody can put a price tag on the difference you make in someone else’s life.

However, we do live in a real world where bills and necessities must. So, like I said before, you are in a wonderfully privileged position and hats off to you. Well done!

On the other hand, did you answer no to my questions above? If you did, then perhaps you need a little coaching from a professional. Allow me to give you some guidance on how to improve your life, achieve your goals and live the life you've always imagined yourself to be living.

Life begins now. You can't change what has been but you can write the future.

Friday 19 June 2015

Why do we auto-destruct?

So, someone asks why we continue to carry out repetitive destructive behaviour even when we are pretty well informed about the negative effects this behaviour can have on our lives and especially when we know this behaviour can compromise our health. My reply ...

Sadly, in today’s society, many people choose to turn away from “reality” as it is. Too much knowledge can be just as dangerous as not enough.

Unfortunately, it’s human nature to switch off to what we don’t want to hear because it’s too painful or because we don’t want to accept it as a truth or because, in some cases, the bad things become our comfort. We feel safe with them and as damaging as they are, we don’t want to let go of them. Nor do we wish to deprive ourselves of them because we’d feel cheated of something or, perhaps, neglected.
In today’s society, everything has become so readily available and so easily obtainable that we don’t like to deny ourselves anything. Maybe the blame here should lay with clever media marketing techniques that make people believe they’re inferior if something is lacking in their lives. It’s become common practice to look at what we don’t have instead of appreciating, and be grateful, for what we do have.

Having a society of content, grateful people doesn’t make good economics. Only people who feel they aren’t adequate enough will seek happiness and comfort in “things” outside themselves. It’s a subtle form of manipulation, and control, to get people to buy things and to behave in certain ways.
When I say “things” it could be anything that creates a temporary illusion of happiness. Temporary is the key word here, and this is why so many people continue with repetitive destructive behaviour in search of another fleeting moment of happiness.

Lasting happiness can only come from within. It can never be found outside one’s own self and nothing, and no-one, can ever be responsible for the creation of it. Yet, we continue to pass up on this responsibility and seek comfort elsewhere; like food. Its aromas and flavours remind us of people, places, events. It could be anything from a full Sunday roast with loving granny and grandpa, with whom we felt safe and loved, to an ice-cream on the pier, as a child, when the family was having a blissful day out. For a child, there are no cares in the world, no responsibilities. Everything is easy. There are no life decisions to be made.

Hence, the repetition of destructive behaviour that takes us back, consciously or unconsciously, to a carefree time in our life makes us escape for a while from the harsh reality of being an adult. I’m not saying that every case is the same because every individual is unique but it’s definitely something to consider.

Treat yourselves kindly dear ones. One global love